Adobe Dreamweaver Basics
Nowadays, we can see websites of all kinds that are the most essential part of today’s modern internet.
Websites provide a variety of services (e.g., shopping) to the users from all around the world. It is all possible by brining design and code together.
A website is a combination of various graphical and code elements based on the objectives in mind. To put together various parts, web developers use various tools like Adobe Dreamweaver.
Dreamweaver is a powerful tool that is introduced by Adobe back in 1997, and its main purpose is to allow users create fully functional websites.
Older versions of this tool required a one time purchase, but Adobe now offers various types of subscriptions based on the users’ needs.
The graphical interface of the tool allows a simple drag and drop of various elements while allowing a developer to apply any necessary codes. Moreover, the tool allows the connection of remote servers. This is to allow a website to be published directly to the associated server without the need to manually upload the functional files via other methods such as using a ftp software like FileZilla.
Beside the basic capabilities of the software, it has become much easier to create fully responsive websites using the “Bootstrap”.
Soon, we will be adding new tutorials about various functionalities available on Adobe Dreamweaver.